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Next Board Meeting

October 17, 2024


(In person 13333 Middleton ave.   7pm





Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 820 0458 4166

Passcode: 564056





Correspondence items due                                                              Meeting Dates


January 5                                                                                         Jan. 18, 2024

February 2                                                                                        Feb. 8, 2024

March 14                                                                                          March 21, 2024

April 12                                                                                               April 18, 2024

May 3                                                                                               May 9, 2024--- POSTPONED UNTIL May 16th due to illness 

June 7                                                                                              June 13, 2024-- POSTPONED UNTIL June 20th 

July 5                                                                                               July 11, 2024

August 9 *                                                                                       August 15, 2024. CANCELLED

September 6                                                                                   September 12, 2024 CANCELLED

                                                                                                          Rescheduled for September 17, 2024


October 11                                                                                        October 17, 2024

November 8                                                                                    November 14, 2024

December 13                                                                                   * December 19, 2024


2nd Thursday of the month unless indicated by * 3rd Thursday


Call 338-4144 for more questions or to discuss contacting the BCRPD Board.


Board of Directors Meetings

 Residents are encouraged to attend our monthly meetings.

Matters to be presented at Board meetings are listed in an agenda prepared, in advance, by the Secretary of the Board. To place an item on the agenda, please submit a written request to the Secretary of the Board by 5:00 p.m. on the Monday one week prior to the meeting.


Public Comments at Meetings

Any citizen desiring to speak on a matter not appearing on this Agenda may do so during Public Comments. The Board Chair will request remarks from the audience. Those comments, by State Law, are limited to items of interest to the public that are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Board of Directors. Please be aware that the law prohibits the Board from discussing or taking action on items that are not on the Agenda except for very limited situations.

Policies & Procedures Manual

Currently under revision


Use this space to introduce yourself and share your professional history.

Final Budget 22-23


Use this space to introduce yourself and share your professional history.

LAFCO Report 



Use this space to introduce yourself and share your professional history.


2016 &2017- Click here

2018 &2019-  Click here

2020-21- In process

Use this space to introduce yourself and share your professional history.

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